Investments plan

Begin Your Path to Financial Freedom with Our Customizable Investment Plans.

Silver plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $100
  2. Maximam Invest : $1000
  3. Avarage Monthly : 50%

Gold plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $1000
  2. Maximam Invest : $10000
  3. Avarage Monthly :100%

Platinum plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $1000
  2. Maximam Invest : $50000
  3. Avarage Monthly : 200%
Best sale

Diamon plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $1000
  2. Maximam Invest : $50000
  3. Avarage Monthly : 250%
Best sale

Premium plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $1000
  2. Maximam Invest : $50000
  3. Avarage Monthly : 250%
Best sale

Premium plan

  1. Minimam Invest : $1000
  2. Maximam Invest : $50000
  3. Avarage Monthly : 250%

Deposit and withdrawals history

Lastatest deposits

Name Amount Currency
Admond sayhel $1000 Bitcoin
Jonshon $5000 USD
Hopper $4000 Ripple
Admond sayhel $3000 Bitcoin
Anjel july $500 USD
Lagisha $5000 Bitcoin

Lastest withdrawals

Name Amount Currency
Arnold $1000 USD
Jhon Abra $6000 USD
Lanisha $5000 USD
Gongales $2000 USD
Admond sayhel $1000 USD
Remond $3000 USD